mod edit: no recruiting on the forums.
What role will you take in this?
Revenue Share?
You want people to work for nothing?
What if the project fails? It won’t though will it as you will be directing production to ensure it makes teh money.
You have to give people a reason to be interested in helping. Your OP is basically “I’m some random person making some random project who wants people to work for me for free, ask me for more info if your interested”.
Just keep in mind none of the successful survival games on the market were revenue share. A revenue share approach is extremely difficult to the point that it almost always ends in a failure to make a game let alone make any money from it. If your goal is to become a game developer and make money doing it this is not the way to do it. And that’s before we take into consideration that the majority games don’t even make minimum wage.
TL;DR - You should be trying to maximize your chances but revenue sharing is an approach that minimizes them instead.
Let’s Be Realistic: A Deep Dive into How Games Are Selling on Steam
none of you know that this game will fail you have no proof of that at all I am not saying your wrong but I am not going to say your right either and if you have a problem with what people are trying to do them how about you don’t comment at all. That’s how drama starts FYI
If you don’t want comments post in Unity Connect. Because this is a forum and forums are about commenting. On the topic of whether we’re right or whether it will be successful I’ll just add to my post above that everyone says there is no proof and very few of them back it up with a successful game.
That said it isn’t black or white that a project will fail or succeed. There are a wide range of factors that have to be taken into consideration and one very big factor that increases the likelyhood of success is whether you’ve finished any projects in the past both in the form of games and in the form of content for games (eg artwork, music, etc).
I’m currently with a company that started off as a passion project group. While the group didn’t have any previously finished games the group was made up of people who were successful in fields relevant to game development. If it weren’t for that I wouldn’t have even considered joining. We’re now at the point we’re getting investors and getting paid for our work.
The “proof” is that your post clearly indicates a multitude of red flags that give a general picture of an absolute mess and unprofessional environment. Nobody who actually knows what they are doing would take your post seriously… don’t get salty when people point out that your low-effort post is most likely going to put anyone off from joining.
no serious details about revenue share… what percentage? I’m guessing you are not even running as a company right? Just some random guy on the internet who “promises” to share revenue. 10/10 you’ve got my trust.
Absolutely no information about anything in terms of development time, skill requirements, or… well anything.
Not even beginner hobbyists will take your post seriously… let alone anyone with any kind of actual skill who might already be employed at a studio.
Drama starts when you can’t take an honest, level-headed look at a situation and instead you double-down on being as equally arrogant as you are ignorant.
Well, I’m 90% percent certain that your project will fail. You have shown us nothing except you wanting people to work for you for nothing. There’s no Design Document, Idea Concepts, Art Concepts, Direction; nothing. This shows your lack of vision and tells me you are not prepared for the task ahead.
Coming up with an idea and a name for a game takes 2 seconds. At least for yourself, edit your opening post, add details, images, proofs, your own skill set etc and give your project a helping hand.
At the moment, what we see is absolutely nothing.
at least they understand it takes a team. thats something I suppose
The point isn’t to shoot you down, it’s to make sure you’ve got info to make good decisions. If you want to go ahead anyway then that’s cool.
The other thing I’d suggest if you want to build a team is that you need to sell your project to prospective members. The mere fact that it exists might attract some people, but most with any experience will want to know why it’s better to work on your project than others. What’s special about the game? What experience does the team have which can be learned from? How likely is it to actually be finished and released?
At the very minimum I would expect something like this (and even then if you aren’t offering a contract to guarantee rev share I wouldn’t be interested at all).
Genre: Open World Survival Game
Title: Until We Wake
Estimated Time Requirement: 4 Years
Estimated Time Requirement before Rev Share Profit: 1 Year (Early Access Release)
Contract Details: TBD
Requirement Overview
Animators (x 2)
- 7% revenue share
- 4 hours/week requirement
- Must be able to work with mostly bipeds (non-humanoid animation a bonus)
- Must be familiar with Maya workflow
- Must have discord account and attend 1 x 1 hour meeting per week
- Must be from USA/UK/Europe timezone
Project Manager (x 1)
- Must be experienced with Jira
- Ability to manage a group of people (up to 8) from different regions
- 8% revenue share
- 5 hours/week requirement
- Must have discord account and attend 1 x 1 hour meeting per week
- Must be from USA/UK/Europe timezone
Rigger (x 1)
- 7% revenue share
- 4 hours/week requirement
- Must be able to rig bipeds (non-humanoid rigging a bonus)
- Must be familiar with Maya workflow
- Must have discord account and attend 1 x 1 hour meeting per week
- Must be from USA/UK/Europe timezone
Level Designers (x 3)
- I’m too lazy to make more stuff up so…
Contact me on Discord for a more detailed discussion on the positions, rev-share, and more!
See OP… It’s not even my project and 15 minutes of effort results in something x100 more appealing than your “NeEd DeVeLopErs 4 GaMe pLox” post.
Your lack of effort at the most basic of things (a simple recruitment post) tells me you are probably going to struggle to build an “open world” game.
Closing because… no. No recruiting on the forums.