I am looking for a script that will flatten the ground when the object is placed on the ground. If you know of a paid or free script, please let me know.
Thank you.
I am looking for a script that will flatten the ground when the object is placed on the ground. If you know of a paid or free script, please let me know.
Thank you.
It’s far from an editor, but this contains not only pseudo-fractal mountain-making, but it lops off flat spots on them, even does the alpha splatmapping so the texture is different on the flattish part.
You should be able to rip out the relevant computations from worldspace to heightmap space.
See the line where it instances the TerrainData, which you probably want to comment out so that you are intentionally modifying on disk data, or else you would need to write an editor script to write the instanced and modified TerrainData back out.
8182487–1065854–GenerateMountainsWithFlatSpots.unitypackage (2.49 MB)
I will check it out, thank you.