looking for the promised performance

scene from example project

also compared the capsulcast in the old physics and the new cycle of 1000 repetitions with predetermined centers. I timed before the start of the cycle and immediately after.
old: 6ms and the corresponding traces in the profiler
new: 0 (actually double 0), that’s only in the profiler full load and 5fps according to statistics.
New physics faster? how do you cook it then?

I expected to cross DOTS Physics(for CharController and CastRay) and Mecanim, get a raise. Now I’m not sure she’s there.

Your profiler shows nothing, what is causing your performance issues.

I suspect at a bare minimum you have not turned off all the physics safety before profiling - jobs debugger and integrity checks make a magnitude of difference as well as safety checks.

thanks for the answer. Yes it was all inclusive.
after shutting down with a completely empty scene, the simulation takes 22 - 28ms at 1000 CollisionWorld.CapsuleCastAll
1000 calls in old physics 5ms
Maybe there is a secret in which system or group to operate with CollisionWorld?