Looking for the right keywords to Google for Aura effect.

I’m a new user to Unity and to 3D game editing in general. I’m having trouble getting the right keywords to search for tutorials and was hoping to get some help.

I’m trying to make a Warcraft style aura effect, where there is a decal that sits at the feet of character. The Decal conforms to the terrain it’s on 9include the surfaces of objects. I found something similar on youtube:

I did find a video that is pretty close to what I want:

I’m not sure what the technical term for this is called, so I’m having a hard time looking up a tutorial. It looks like an intersection shader with animated edges, but I’m not sure. Maybe someone here can help me with the keywords?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Missed that you said ‘at their feet’

hdrp has decal system, so maybe can just add animated shader material to those?

Projector. Set it to ignore the character’s layer(s) so it maps the material down to the terrain.


Ah, that’s what I was looking for. Thanks! :smile:

Glad to help!