Looking for workflow : "Human" + RigidBody + Animation?

I am looking for help to create a simple “character controller”.

Goal :

  • while keyPress / character move foward / see “walk animation”
  • without a character controller component, just using rigidbody and forces, like if the character was , a car.

my old workflow (with character controller component) :

  • a 3D model,with detailled colliders for bodyparts (from the software Character Creator for instance)
  • CharacterController component
  • AnimatorComponent, (no motion root) with a state machine :
    IDLE → loop idle animation
    WALK ->loop walk animation
  • script : if keyPress … state = WALK … controller.Move() … else state = IDLE

Result : Everything works fine, and is “nice”

I want to go further and get rid of charcterController, do the exact same things but with physics controller instead.

new workflow (rigidbody attempt):

  • the same context (animator that permantly loop between idle or walk)
  • rigid body component
  • script “if key press rb.AddForce(new Vector3(0,0, thrust), ForceMode.Impulse);”

Result : red alert general failure

  • adding rigidboby and check “gravity” make the character fall forward in T-pose.
  • activate the animator component: the character go crazy and run out of control
  • change the “gravity center” , the character start to dance on his head after a few seconds

The “use gravity” is the trigger of the mess, but i hope i dont have to simulate and “compute all body muscle force to make the character stand still” ?

I didnt find a clear tutorial how to set up everything correctly.
All i wanna do : “on keypress, move forward, and see walk animation” … like the character controller version

thanks for help :slight_smile: