I am most interested in creating games for the iPod, and was thrilled to see the new exporter!
So do you feel it is possible for a single person to create a game for the iPod with the built in scripts or will I need to learn a programming language?
I know C4D and modo really well, I understand all the concepts of Lo-poly and UV’s and normal maps and baking textures etc.
Is there a deep learning curve or does it work similar to other 3D apps?
I am considering starting off with the “indie+ iPod” version, will this get it done, at-least for the beginning for learning and creating a simple game?
Also, does Unity have a manager or set up page for game options, say to offer someone different settinsg at the beginning of a game?
Sorry, I’m sure some of this may be obvious, but I really appreciate your thoughts!
You don’t model anything in Unity; you use whatever 3D app you’re already using.
It has anything you want it to have, as long as you program it. Probably a good idea to download the trial and play around with that for a while. 99% is the same between Unity and Unity iPhone.
HI Eric, thanks for the info. yeah, I kind of thought that all modeling would be done in another program.
So I do need to learn programming? Bummer. I am not a programmer, I can read through some html and actionscript to figure things out when I have to, but I thought that I might be able to do the same sort of fumbling about in unity with the built in scripts. Do you recommend Javascript or C#?
Thanks again.
P.S. I will download the demo when I clear out a little time in a week or two.
If you know some Actionscript, then Javascript is most similar to that. Unity only comes with a handful of pre-made scripts to get going with some common situations; it’s definitely not intended as a programming-free solution. But you can do a lot with not much code, relatively speaking.
OK, thanks again Eric. I guess all I can do is jump in and either sink or swim. This looks like a great community, and maybe following the tuts I can fumble around with enough code to get something going.
As an artist and self-taught scripter, I’ll say this: scripting a game that merely functions is not hard, the hard part is in writing clever, efficient, re-usable code. It really doesn’t take long to learn the basic building blocks of scripting that can be applied to any game, which you can easily figure out from doing tutorials and reading the manual. Download the trial and take it for a spin, I think you’ll find Unity is quite an empowering tool.
Thanks! That sounds promising! I’m really excited and was hoping to be able to get the wheels rolling without too much scripting to start off. From what I have read, I guess it seems a little less intimidating to me because it is set up as an object based editor and not a text editor.