Hello there, I have problems with my animation loops, everytime the animation loops the character shakes a bit, I tried everything since to make every frame a keyframe, double checked twice the animation of each bone, etc, the loop works great on the 3d software but in unity it has this problem, any light??
Thanks in advance!
Hrm. Make sure the bones are in the perfectly exact same position at the start and end of the animation. I know you said it looks fine in your program, but I'm just saying to make sure to maybe look at the rotations/movement values of each bone at the start and end of the cycle and make sure they have the exact same values. I don't know what program you're using or if it "helps" you loop stuff that doesn't actually loop.
Second thing to try. Supposing the first and last frames of the animation are the exact same positions, try changing the animation's frame range to frame 1 through the frame BEFORE the last frame. Without seeing it I really don't know what the "shake" looks like, but maybe it's just an awkward pause or something.
Also, I think that if you have the loop mode set to Loop, and you also check the Loop box, it might cause problems, but I'm not 100% on that right now.
What 3D software are you using? I'm use Lightwave and haven't had this problem, personally (so naturally I'd be more confused if you were also using Lightwave :P).
I am having this exact same issue (Also using Lightwave). After trying the extra frames idea, and double-checking my keyframe synchronicity (with no luck), I compared my ‘trouble’ animation with another I had made which was behaving normally… I had been using the Graph Editor inside Lightwave to smooth the animation - switched incoming curves on the graph from ‘TCB Spline’ to ‘Bezier’ - which was giving me a very smooth continuity.
I tried reverting these splines, and it seems to have solved the jumping/jerking I had been seeing in the animation loop. Guess I’ll have to smooth things over another way.