Loop Animation of Textures

Hi, Im trying to loop through a list of textures and make an animation based on that.

But after the first “delay” the textures start to flikker.

I have tried to do some debugging, and it seems it just put the images ontop of eachother or reapeating them really fast without the delay.

Any ideas ?

public static List ContentList

public  IEnumerator ChangeTextures(Renderer renderer, List<Texture> textures, float delay,bool Play )
            int i = 0;
            while (Play)
                renderer.material.mainTexture = textures*;*

i = (i+1)%textures.Count;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);

private void StartContent()
//Other stuff

StartCoroutine(ChangeTextures(this.gameObject.renderer, ContentList, 5f,PlayContent));


public void Play()

EnablePause = false;
PlayContent = true;
this.gameObject.renderer.enabled = true;


I think the problem here is that you are changing the frames of the animation inside a corutine, which is not in sync with the Unity’s frames update. You should change the frames of the animation inside an Update function.