loop through array when active bool


i have an array with all items that i can pick up in game. The code scrolls through all items in the array when i press a key. But i want to scroll only through items that are actually picked up.

Maybe with a second array for bools. That are set true, when Playerprefs are greater than 0 like this:

if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(“Fruit”) > 0)

activeBool[1] = true;
But how can i combine it?

public GameObject[] items;

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O))
            if (currentActive == items.Length - 1) currentActive = 0;
            else currentActive++;

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                    if (i == currentActive) items[i].SetActive(true);
                    else items[i].SetActive(false);

Simply make a second list that holds the collected items. Here i used a HashSet but you can also use other collections like List:

public GameObject[] items;
HashSet<GameObject> pickedItems  = new HashSet<GameObject>();
   public void Start()
        // Pick up first 3 items for test

   public void LoopAllPickedItems()

     foreach (GameObject item in pickedItems)
            Debug.Log("Collected item: " + item.name);

  void Update()
       if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P))  // List all collected items if you press P
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