Loop Video forever


i have been looking for a script that will loop the video. I am learning scripting, please bare with me

here is the code i found

var movieTexture : MovieTexture;

function Start() {
movieTexture.loop = true;
renderer.material.mainTexture = movieTexture;
movieTexture.Play ();

but it is not working for me. do i need to change the naming connection.

This must work :

var movieTexture : MovieTexture;

 function Start() {
 movieTexture.loop = true;
 renderer.material.mainTexture = movieTexture;
 movieTexture.Play ();

Really strange that this doesn’t work for you Oo

did you specify your video in the public field of your script ?! In the Unity inspector ?

// this line of code will make the Movie Texture begin playing
renderer.material.mainTexture.loop = true;