Looping an audio while holding "shift key"

Hey guys,
I have a breathing sound effect I have for when my character is sprinting but I struggle to get it to play. Any help please?

		if(energy > 0)
			moveSpeed = sprintSpeed;
			energy -= Time.deltaTime * energySpeed;

		else if(energy < 0)
			energy = 0;
			moveSpeed = 5.0;

Enable looping with AudioSource.loop. Play when shift is held, but down repeat Play() over and over. Stop() when shift is up.

AudioSource Audio;

void Start()
	Audio = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
	Audio.loop = true;

void Update()
	if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift))
		if (energy > 0)
			moveSpeed = sprintSpeed;
			energy -= Time.deltaTime * energySpeed;
            // Ensure that Play() isnt called over and over again.
            // Similer to if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift)) in that it'll only call once after LeftShift is down.
			if (!Audio.IsPlaying)
		else if (energy < 0)
			energy = 0;
			moveSpeed = 5.0;
	else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftShift))
		if (Audio.IsPlaying)