Looping through List and the Last Item doesn't work.

I Have a list(below) that i am looping using a for loop, but for some reason unknown to me, when i use the loop to reference the last item it comes up with an error:

“ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index”

This error comes out on the last loop with lines that hold this:




for(int Craftcount = 0; Craftcount < Crafting.Craftables.Count; Craftcount++){
			print (Craftcount + " : CraftCount");
			GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(10, 10 + (150 * Craftcount), 220, 150));
			GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), PlayerInventory.ItemDictionary[Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].ItemID].Icon);//Icon 
			GUI.Label(new Rect(75, 0, 80, 40), PlayerInventory.ItemDictionary[Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].ItemID].Name);//Item Name 
			GUI.Label(new Rect(75, 25, 140, 60), PlayerInventory.ItemDictionary[Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].ItemID].Description);//Item Description
			GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 75, 120, 40), "Required Resources");//Resource Header
			if(CheckResourceAvailable(Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource1ID, Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource1Amount)){
				GotR1 = true;
				GUI.skin = greenSkin;
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 95, 80, 40), PlayerInventory.ItemDictionary[Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource1ID].Name + " X " + Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource1Amount, "label");//Resource 1
			} else{
				GotR1 = false;
				GUI.skin = redSkin;
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 95, 80, 40), PlayerInventory.ItemDictionary[Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource1ID].Name + " X " + Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource1Amount, "label");//Resource 1
			if(Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource2ID != 99999){
				if(CheckResourceAvailable(Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource2ID, Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource2Amount)){
					GUI.Label(new Rect(90, 95, 80, 40), PlayerInventory.ItemDictionary[Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource2ID].Name + " X " + Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource2Amount, "label");//Resource 2
					GotR2 = true;
				} else{
					GUI.skin = redSkin;
					GUI.Label(new Rect(90, 95, 80, 40), PlayerInventory.ItemDictionary[Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource2ID].Name + " X " + Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource2Amount, "label");//Resource 2
					GotR2 = false;

			GUI.skin = mySkin;
			if(GotR1 && (GotR2 || Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource2ID == 0)){
				if(GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 115, 200, 25), "Craft " + PlayerInventory.ItemDictionary[Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].ItemID].Name)){//Working Craft Button
					//Craft and Add Item to Inventory!!!!!!!!!!!!
					int Iid = Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].ItemID;
					CraftItem(Iid, Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource1ID , Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource2ID , Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource1Amount, Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].Resource2Amount);

			} else{
				GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 115, 200, 25), "Craft " + PlayerInventory.ItemDictionary[Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].ItemID].Name, "box");//Faded-Out Craft Button

This is the two Lists that i use:

private	void AddItemsToArrays(){
		Item Wood = new Item(){
			Name = "Wood",
			ID = 0,
			Description = "",
			currentStack = 1,
			maxStack = 50,
			Icon = transform.GetComponent<PlayerInventory>().woodIcon,
			type = Item.Type.Resource,

		Item Stone = new Item(){
			Name = "Stone",
			ID = 1,
			Description = "",
			currentStack = 1,
			maxStack = 50,
			Icon = transform.GetComponent<PlayerInventory>().stoneIcon,
			type = Item.Type.Resource,

		Item Axe = new Item(){
			Name = "Axe",
			ID = 2,
			Description = "",
			currentStack = 1,
			maxStack = 1,
			Icon = transform.GetComponent<PlayerInventory>().axeIcon,
			type = Item.Type.Tool,

		Item Chicken = new Item(){
			Name = "Chicken",
			ID = 3,
			Description = "",
			currentStack = 1,
			maxStack = 25,
			Icon = transform.GetComponent<PlayerInventory>().chickenIcon,
			type = Item.Type.Food,
		Item woodWall = new Item(){
			Name = "Wood Wall",
			ID = 4,
			Description = "Used in the Making of Houses.",
			currentStack = 1,
			maxStack = 5,
			Icon = transform.GetComponent<PlayerInventory>().woodWallIcon,
			type = Item.Type.Construction,
		Item woodDoor = new Item(){
			Name = "Wood Door",
			ID = 5,
			Description = "Add a Lock and your House is safe!",
			currentStack = 1,
			maxStack = 1,
			Icon = transform.GetComponent<PlayerInventory>().woodDoorIcon,
			type = Item.Type.Construction,

		Item wooStairs = new Item(){
			Name = "Wood Stairs",
			ID = 6,
			Description = "Used to make multi-story buildings.",
			currentStack = 1,
			maxStack = 1,
			Icon = transform.GetComponent<PlayerInventory>().woodDoorIcon,
			type = Item.Type.Construction
		//Craftable Items//
		CraftableItem _woodWall = new CraftableItem(){
			CraftID = 0,
			ItemID = 4,
			Resource1ID = 1,
			Resource1Amount = 4,
			Resource2ID = 99999,
			Resource2Amount = 0
		CraftableItem _woodDoor = new CraftableItem(){
			CraftID = 1,
			ItemID = 5,
			Resource1ID = 0,
			Resource1Amount = 3,
			Resource2ID = 1,
			Resource2Amount = 1

		CraftableItem _woodStairs = new CraftableItem(){
			CraftID = 2,
			ItemID = 6,
			Resource1ID = 0,
			Resource1Amount = 8,
			Resource2ID = 99999,
			Resource2Amount = 0


I am referencing the ‘ItemDictionary’ using the ‘ItemID’ from the current Item of ‘Craftables’.

If their is anything you need me to show/tell you please ask.

Thanks for any help!

I would say you’re missing to add the last item ‘wooStairs’ to the dictionary:

   Item wooStairs = new Item(){
     Name = "Wood Stairs",
     ID = 6,
     Description = "Used to make multi-story buildings.",
     currentStack = 1,
     maxStack = 1,
     Icon = transform.GetComponent<PlayerInventory>().woodDoorIcon,
     type = Item.Type.Construction
   //this line is missing:

So PlayerInventory.ItemDictionary[Crafting.Craftables[Craftcount].ItemID] points to PlayerInventory.ItemDictionary[6] which is not present in the array.