Loot-Burn-Kill-Repeat (Rpg)

Decided to throw up my own thread for this project now instead of posting into the smaller-works threads since I’ve been fiddleing with it for quite some time and I dunno if I can define it as very small anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

I started the project only to improve with coding, modeling and texturing but I kinda like the game more and more every time I work with it. It’s working against me from time to time since I haven’t had a clear goal or picture of a story or the overall gameplay should be like in the end but it’s coming along allright I think.

The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic, near-future mixed with some cyberpunkish world. A company called NRFF have released an airbourne virus that’ve killed most of the people on the planet and left the remaining in chaos and anarchy as part of a plan to dominate the world. ( NRFF have their own private army as well :stuck_out_tongue: ) The player won’t be told very much at first since the story and background will be unfolded through the game as the player explores the world.

Dunno if the story’s very solid at this point, but it’s more like an excuse to be killing things and collecting gear and cash. Still trying to improve the story though. :slight_smile:

Adding a link to some gameplay clips below, will try to post updates here once a week, but could take a little longer since I’m on my own on this project and only working on it on my spare time.

i dont know why but it reminds me of diablo.

This looks very nice, and, from what i can see, some very interesting gameplay! I would be very interested in this after its release!

That is probably because the camera angle resembles that of an isometric game.

The only critique I can offer from that video, is to increase the animation walking speed slightly. Instead of having that blue firework-like targeting particle effect, maybe have a red circle around the base of the enemy? Also, I noticed a lack of an ambient sound track, which would make the attacking effects sound a lot less sudden. Another nice touch would be to add footstep sfx.

Overall, it looks like a solid foundation to build upon, nice work!

:slight_smile: Thanks, I appreciate the critique, will try to add more sound asap and fix the animation speed. The blue firework thingie isn’t showing the current target, it appears when a character is struck by a damage-over-time attack, in that case it is supposed to be electricity, It’s supposed to spawn around the characters torso though.

Finished a prototype of the handling of player death, haven’t played ZombiU but I heard that when the player character dies the player spawn as a new character. Thought it was a cool idea so I’m trying to do something similar. :slight_smile:


Also I’ve started to work on an editor extension to get better workflow. I save quest/mission data in a xml database but have written it manually earlier which took alot of time. Thanks to the extension I also noticed that all code that involved the game to track progress aswell as loading/saving quest info was quite clumsy so I rewrote alot of it and added a few new features. Missions can now contain multiple objectives. (As an example, the first objective could be to collect 5 beer packs and the second to kill an enemy)

Adding another clip here, it’s similar to the one in my first post. In it you can see inventory functions, shopkeepers, quest handling and ranged weaponry among other things. :slight_smile:


I’ve fallen in love with controllers lately so I re-worked the input for the game so the player now moves the character with the W-A-S-D keys and rotates with the mouse like in most other games, mainly to keep the difference when playing with or without a controller as little as possible. This also gave me the opportunity to allow the player to sidestep to better avoid melee attackers.

Also made a map so the player can get an overview of the zone he’s currently in along with map markers for objectives, shops etc aswell as a crafting thingie.
First functional code of it so it’s kinda harsch but it’s working atleast. First the player creates item-components by material that’s collected from loot. To create an item the player must then assemble the components. Old items can be modified with the components aswell (only clothes and weapons though) :slight_smile:

Made a new hud-thingie with item stats when the player is about to collect an item from the ground, it’s also displayed when marking zone portals and shows info about what areas are accessable through the portal.
Adding a screenshot of the map aswell since I noticed I forgot to do so last week. :slight_smile:

.__.’ Been kinda long since I posted in this thread sorry 'bout that. Got myself a new job a few weeks after the last post and it has kept me busy ( and tired. )
But I will do my best to keep the updates in this thread more frequent.

Anyways, I’ve made some major Changes to the game, most obvious is the 3d art and style. Apart from that I’ve created a scene generator that puts together Prefab-tiles/scene chunks at runtime and the game-flow now works more like a dungeon-crawler.

I’ve started adding weather effects aswell, created a class that change the weather dynamicly between the conditions that the current scene allows ( pre-set ). It also change the time of day and lerps the sun color between night and day time. There’s alot of work left to be done on this thing though. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s also been some Changes to the item-system ( and made a class to handle procedural item generation ),
All equipable items can now have passive bonuses like in most other rpg and/or rpg-influenced games and weapons can get mods that either cast elemental damage over time or creates an elemental explosion on impact.

A Talent/Spell system has been implemented (it’s quite rough and crappy at the moment though…) However, I haven’t got all talents to work properly yet.
All mobs have received secondary attacks, it includes massive strikes, resurrecting dead friends, healing, etc. their stamina is drained by using them. (pretty much the same way that a players stamina is drained by using talents )

Oh! and I’ve added bosses and mini-bosses! :slight_smile: they work pretty much like regular mobs but they may have more then 1 secondary attack, also they receive a random range of passive bonus stats and buffs (aswell as passive attacks that fire and cooldown automaticly)

This looks simply amazing!

When can I play!

Thanks :slight_smile:
To be honest I haven’t got a clue. I’m getting Close to having a beta/demo version done but I notice things I have to redo or fix somehow all the time. And a week ago I accidentally stabbed myself in the hand at work so it’s been difficult to work on the game. :<

Added some new GUI stuff. First of all I cleaned up the character profile window, Armor Rating, Damage, critical hit chance and a few more stats have been moved into the Equipment window to make it easier to see how they’re affected by different items.
After that I added some hint Icons that appear when the player need to repair his/her items, if a quest was updated and if there are unassigned stat Points or unassigned talent Points. :slight_smile:

I also made a portal tool for the player so he/she can travel to the safe zone whenever necessary. (Earlier it could only be done by finding a waypoint station, that are spawned at random locations and in only a few levels… which made it kinda difficult to go to Town…)

I’ve been trying to create pathfinding for my AI using A* algorithm the last week, but my brain just got mashed over and over again while trying to make it working properly so I ended up using the A* pathfinding package made by Aaron Granberg instead. Still need to modify alot of my own code for it to work, especially my scene generator. It’s Amazing though how easy Aaron Granbergs package is to get started with. I expected far worse.

:slight_smile: apart from that I’ve added some more scene tiles, implemented Arena-type tiles in the Scene Generator (If I haven’t said so earlier, Arena Tiles are scene tiles that contain some type of task or puzzle to solve while enemies keep attacking ) Made some Changes to my Damage Tracking and added stun- and knockback-damage types.

The coming month I’ll try to focus on getting my SceneGenerator fully finished. It’s working as it’s now, but I’ve kinda left it in a “prototype”-like state.
For starters I’ll add penalties to each tile-type that increase each time the generator adds a tile of the targetted type, to decrease the repetition of tile-useage.
I’m also hoping to create atleast a few sound effects as soon as possible. :slight_smile: