Lossy Scale effect on sphere radius

I’m making a tower defense game and I came to a problem concerning the range of fire of my turret.

Turret are made children of a tile map. The map is a neast a gameObject and the turret is the last children of a gameobject hierarchy (5 parents). In thoses parents 3 have a custom scale to make the map good looking. These are the scales : (1;1;1) => (5;1;5) => (1;1;1) => (0.55;2.1;0.55) ==> (0.5;0.8;0.5)
Resulting the scale of the turret should be : (1510.550.5 ; 1112.10.8; 1510.550.5) => (1.37; 1,68 ;1.37).

Now my problem is that the turret have a sphere collider attached to detect enemies, and the sphere is modify by the combined parents scales. Would not be a problem if I didn’t add teleporter to my gameplay.

As the enemys advance they colldier with teleporter wich teleport them to another map section.
As I use agent.Warp so the OnTriggerExit is not call and I don’t know when the enemies exit my range.

To solve that I chose to check the distance within the tower and the enemis which enter the range.
To do that I used this piece of code :

for (int i = 0; i < enemiesList.Count; i++)
            float distance = (enemiesList[i].gameObject.transform.position.x - this.transform.position.x)* (enemiesList[i].gameObject.transform.position.x - this.transform.position.x) + (enemiesList[i].gameObject.transform.position.z - this.transform.position.z)* (enemiesList[i].gameObject.transform.position.z - this.transform.position.z);
            Debug.Log("enemiesList[i] :" + enemiesList[i].name + " distance :" + distance + " deltax : " + enemiesList[i].gameObject.transform.position.x + "-" + this.transform.position.x + " delta y : " + enemiesList[i].gameObject.transform.position.z + "-" + this.transform.position.z);

            if (distance > collider.radius * collider.radius)


Problem : collider.radius if false due to the combined parents scale.

I try to calculate it using the LoosingScale but there is the this.transform.lossyScale;

the lossyScale calculated by the engine is far different from the one I suppose is.
So I tried to see what could be the real lossy scale by comparing the actual sphere collider range to a simple sphere in the scene:

The tower sphere (gizmo in the screenshot) is a 6 radius sphere * scale vector
The blue sphere is a sphere scaled to (14.1; 14.06;14.1) to match the tower sphere.
equivalent to a sphere collider with a radius of 6 scaled to (1.17;1.18;1.17).

Seem to match cause 12*1.17 = 14.04

In conclusion loosyScale cannot be use to know the real/global radius of a sphere but now I have a bigger problem cause I cannot the real distance corresponding to the sphere radius.

As my tiled have all the same size and hierarchy I added 20% to the radius. This work for this case but i’m wandering if there is a way to solve it properly??

I Hope it’s understandable :slight_smile: and I thanks you for your help.

That’s only the case if there are no rotations in the hierarchy.

The absolute radius is calculated by taking the biggest absolute component of the lossyScale vector and multiplying it by the Collider’s radius property.
float absoluteRadius = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(lossyScale.x), Abs(Mathf.lossyScale.y)), Mathf.Abs(Mathf.lossyScale.z)) * sphereCollider.radius.
If you know the absolute radius that you want, you can use this formula to get the value that you need to set to sphereCollider.radius.

Hi Thanks for your help, work jsut fine!!

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