Lost lvl 11 asset store option

have unity 5 pro, but dont have acces to get free stuff from asset store.
anyone have such problem?

@StevenWendel literally answered your question within 3 minutes and you felt the need to make a new topic? sigh

I’ll copy his answer here since you obvs cant search for yourself…

"Emailed support on this one. I didn’t realize that you had to reassign your seat and essentially generate a new license. This might be what’s happening for you.

It took less than 24 hours in my case for Level 11 access to be re-granted to me."

Please do not post a topic that already exists… https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/loss-of-level-11-perks.439067/

It was literally just posted a few minutes ago, so it’s right next to this one.
Please refer to that topic.


pls, do another stuff for me…
be kind or just F$@# off from forums

Incoming lock in 3… 2… 1… :stuck_out_tongue:

Joking aside (or am I?), have you actually tried the solution presented in the other thread?

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A) don’t post duplicate threads.
B) don’t be rude.