Lost/Out-of-order NetworkVariable updates?

Hi there,

How do we enforce ordering on NetworkVariables? I tried changing the SendNetworkChannelto TimeSync and SyncChannel, but no luck so far.

The documentation is also very limited, so I’m not quite sure where to look for help.


I think I answered this on Discord already. Setting the channel to a reliable sequenced channel like ReliableRpc should ensure order.

Hi there, are there any updates regarding this issue? If anyone has a workaround, I would appreciate that too! Thanks. (Here’s the link to the GitHub issue: Lost/unordered NetworkVariable updates on host. · Issue #966 · Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects · GitHub)

No update yet sorry, we reshuffled a bunch of things around OnValueChanged, so not sure if this issue will still be around in the next release. It’s currently in our backlog and we’ll have to check whether it’s still an issue.