Lost transform tool handles in Lego microgame


I’m sorry this is going to be so stupid of a question, but I am trying to teach myself Unity and I was going through the tutorials, doing the Lego microgame one. Everything was just fine until suddenly I stopped seeing the transform tools handles (the xyz arrows for the Move tool, the three planes of rotations circles for the Rotate tool) around certain objects. Instead all I see are the rotate/flip by 90° icons:
6979223--823286--Screen Shot 2021-03-26 at 4.36.31 PM.png

Confusingly, for some objects (mostly the rock forms it seems?) I do still have the transformation tool handles:
6979223--823289--Screen Shot 2021-03-26 at 4.37.06 PM.png

I have found other, similar comments (like here: [SOLVED] Transform tools don't work on certain objects...need advice ) that seem to be related to the Probuilder tools, but I have not knowingly used them, I don’t have the set of icons at the top center of my screen that people refer to in offering those solutions, and I can’t figure out how to get to them.

I’m pretty sure I just inadvertently invoked a keyboard shortcut to turn something off, or on, or whatever, but I cannot figure out how to undo it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

That’s odd. Let’s see a screen shot of the top of your Scene view, so we can see what you’ve got there.

Thank you for responding! :slight_smile:

Here’s a full screen grab, project was just reopened and I did nothing but select the one brick to see whether it had magically fixed itself lol.

See Steps 4 and 7 of this tutorial:
Creating with the LEGO® Tools - Unity Learn

OMG I feel like an idiot. Though I am confused as to how I got that far in the tutorial without realizing that turning on the Brick Building tool also turned off the interaction handles and replaced them with the “90° only” version of tools :S

Anyway, thank you for pointing that out to me, problem solved, moving on :smile:

Best wishes,

You’re not an idiot man, that’s how you learn stuff, by making mistakes and learning how not to make same error again.

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