Lost Tutorial

I started a tutorial in unity where I created a plane and some primitive objects then a cube which I turned into Glass. Then I put a cylinder behind it to show off the glass but I cant find this tutorial to continue. I called it Exploring Unity but that brings up all the started kits which I am not looking for
Any ideas anyone ???

Did you check your browser history?

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Good idea except I have 2 laptops I use and each has 3 or 4 browsers… this could take some time … :wink:

Thank you - I am dissapointed to say I found it - not where or what I thought I was looking for… - It was the RayWenderlicht.com tutorial I had started a few weeks back - My memory told me it was a Unity Tutorial - I liked its simplicity

I have worked through them and keep finding little bits being experienced with coding but new to Unity it is quite frustrating having to work through the basics again and again just to make sure you dont miss a key point that is vital. I managed to get the game working in the second part of the first tutorial of that tutorial but am having a silly issue with a reference to a game object after the player has died and respawned - I am sure I will find it - I wouldnt be bothered but it stops the asteroids from spawning - not sure I want to spend 50 bucks on a book
thanks any way


There are tons of free online guide and tutorials.
Just be aware about Unity version that they were made for. Specially books.
Or otherwise, make sure, you have same Unity version as per tutorial.
Btw. many books are copying online tutorials anyway. So be aware x2.

Thanks I took a day out and found the one I had stumbled on - dissapointed RayWundelicht are putting out teasers to sell books - I take your point about the version they are for I am strugging with that with the code I found that dragged me into unity in the first place ( though I did come reasonably willingly I admit) - I mean the tutorial I had found was good… I thought very good but only had 2 parts so I went on a search for the book it was part of and supposedly was an extract from but that cost 50 bucks which I just havent got…

Thanks again


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Hi Da,

I’m Eric, the Unity team lead over at raywenerlich.com. I understand that you feel disappointed by the book preview articles and I want to apologize, I assure you we’re not doing this purely for the gains. While we do have a few tutorials that are meant as previews for our books, most of our content is free. Our team is passionate about helping people learn Unity and making cool games together.

Check out our overview if you’re looking for more high quality tutorials: https://www.raywenderlich.com/unity
Especially the learning path is great for beginners like you: https://www.raywenderlich.com/unity/learn
The book you’re talking about is Unity Games by Tutorials, I’m one of the authors and I can tell you, it’s all original content, we don’t copy anything from others online. Don’t feel like you have to buy it to get started though, there are a lot of good free tutorials out there.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns about our content or just want a chat on how to start making games using Unity.
