Updated to Unity 2021.3.19f1 and got a lot of il2cpp::vm::Object::GetClass(Il2CppObject*) crashes. The last log in Cloud Diagnostics is always the same:
Error - Couldn't extract exception string from exception (another exception of class 'ArgumentException' was thrown while processing the stack trace)
Here is the full stack trace:
Thread 0 (crashed)
0 libil2cpp.so 0x0000006fc99f4ed4 il2cpp::vm::Object::GetClass(Il2CppObject*)
1 libunity.so 0x0000006fce18a018 Scripting::LogExceptionFromManaged(ScriptingExceptionPtr, int, char const*, bool, Scripting::LogExceptionFromMangedSettings const*)
2 libunity.so 0x0000006fce189188 Scripting::LogException(ScriptingExceptionPtr, int, char const*, bool)
3 libunity.so 0x0000006fcdfa65b0 UnityJavaProxy_LogJNIInvokeException(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, long)
4 base.odex 0x0000006fe6b33084 <symbols missing for uuid: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000>
The same trace from craslytics:
0 libil2cpp.so il2cpp::vm::Object::GetClass(Il2CppObject*)
1 libunity.so Scripting::UnityEngine::smile:ebugProxy::IsLoggingEnabled(ScriptingExceptionPtr*)
2 libunity.so __emutls_register_common
3 libunity.so __emutls_register_common
4 libunity.so __emutls_register_common
5 libunity.so __emutls_register_common
6 libil2cpp.so __Il2CppComDelegate_Finalize_mC9F8EA94444C3AF0A43CC723A23EE4D8B7984F8C
7 libil2cpp.so __Il2CppComDelegate_Finalize_mC9F8EA94444C3AF0A43CC723A23EE4D8B7984F8C
8 libunity.so Scripting::LogException(ScriptingExceptionPtr, int, char const*, bool)
9 libunity.so UnityJavaProxy_LogJNIInvokeException(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, long)
I am using the following packages:
IAP 4.6.0
Services Core 1.7.1
Remote Config 3.3.1
Analytics 4.3.0
What can be wrong?
Thanks for reporting this. This is a known issue that we are correcting now. Unfortunately there is not a public bug report for it, so I cannot provide an issue tracker link. I’ll respond here when we correct the bug though.
Thank you, when can we expect the fix?
I don’t have an ETA yet, but we are actively working on the fix now.
1 Like
Any update here? I’m also experiencing a large number of crashes since updating to 2021.3.19f1. Here’s the stack trace I’m seeing.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
pid: 0, tid: 7940 >>> com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague <<<
#00 pc 0x00000000000d5a78 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so
#01 pc 0x0000000000150998 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so
#02 pc 0x000000000004c678 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::BBinder::transact(unsigned int, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+136)
#03 pc 0x000000000004b168 /system/lib64/libmedia.so
#04 pc 0x0000000000160b68 /system/lib64/libstagefright.so (android::ClearMediaHTTP::disconnect()+120)
#05 pc 0x0000000000167e64 /system/lib64/libstagefright.so (android::NuMediaExtractor::~NuMediaExtractor()+596)
#06 pc 0x0000000000167bfc /system/lib64/libstagefright.so (android::NuMediaExtractor::~NuMediaExtractor()+16)
#07 pc 0x000000000000f6e4 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::RefBase::decStrong(void const*) const+112)
#08 pc 0x000000000001b974 /system/lib64/libmediandk.so
#09 pc 0x0000000000568dd0 /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#10 pc 0x00000000001ec368 /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#11 pc 0x00000000001ec630 /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#12 pc 0x00000000001ec79c /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#13 pc 0x00000000001ec9dc /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#14 pc 0x00000000001ebd0c /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#15 pc 0x000000000028ed34 /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#16 pc 0x00000000000e6b50 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+36)
#17 pc 0x0000000000084c6c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64)
The bug has been corrected internally, and fixes are on the way to various Unity release versions now.
Hi @JoshPeterson ,
did the fix make it into 2021.3.20f1? (Released: March 2, 2023)
Unfortunately no, the fix did not make that release. We’re hoping that it will make 2021.3.21 though, which is scheduled to be released by March 18.
1 Like
Any update here? I’m also experiencing a large number of crashes since updating to 2021.3.19f1. Here’s the stack trace I’m seeing.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
pid: 0, tid: 7940 >>> com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague <<<
#00 pc 0x00000000000d5a78 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so
#01 pc 0x0000000000150998 /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so
#02 pc 0x000000000004c678 /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::BBinder::transact(unsigned int, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+136)
#03 pc 0x000000000004b168 /system/lib64/libmedia.so
#04 pc 0x0000000000160b68 /system/lib64/libstagefright.so (android::ClearMediaHTTP::disconnect()+120)
#05 pc 0x0000000000167e64 /system/lib64/libstagefright.so (android::NuMediaExtractor::~NuMediaExtractor()+596)
#06 pc 0x0000000000167bfc /system/lib64/libstagefright.so (android::NuMediaExtractor::~NuMediaExtractor()+16)
#07 pc 0x000000000000f6e4 /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::RefBase::decStrong(void const*) const+112)
#08 pc 0x000000000001b974 /system/lib64/libmediandk.so
#09 pc 0x0000000000568dd0 /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#10 pc 0x00000000001ec368 /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#11 pc 0x00000000001ec630 /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#12 pc 0x00000000001ec79c /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#13 pc 0x00000000001ec9dc /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#14 pc 0x00000000001ebd0c /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#15 pc 0x000000000028ed34 /data/app/com.UpsideGaming.MobileTennisLeague-QpoI90h9bGZvvryDWeWK_g==/lib/arm64/libunity.so
#16 pc 0x00000000000e6b50 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+36)
#17 pc 0x0000000000084c6c /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+64)
Sorry I missed this post - I’m unsure if this is the same error. Initially, it looks like different code, so I would guess that it is not related to the same cause. Is this something that you can reproduce?
1 Like
Hi @JoshPeterson ,
Do you know if this bug is happening in 2020.3.17? we are seeing a lot of these crashes too, since we changed to Android 31.
Yes, I think that it was happening in 2020.3.17. It should be fixed in 2020.3.47.
okay, thank you! I believe currently this version was not released yet and I couldn’t find a release date, do you have any information about when that should be available or if there is any other way to avoid this crashes?
okay, thank you! I believe currently this version was not released yet and I couldn’t find a release date, do you have any information about when that should be available or if there is any other way to avoid this crashes?
Oh sorry, I should have checked to see if that version was out yet. It should be released April 5 - 7.
Unfortunately I don’t have a work around for this problem before that though.
I’m also experiencing a large number of crashes since updating to 2021.3.20f1. Here’s the stack trace.
Crashed: Thread: SIGSEGV 0x0000000000000000
#00 pc 0x6f97e0 libil2cpp.so (BuildId: 806e0c131767b4279bb9e3906aae2a410c008726)
#01 pc 0x350a34 libunity.so (Scripting::UnityEngine: ebugProxy::IsLoggingEnabled(ScriptingExceptionPtr*)) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#02 pc 0xe09f49 libunity.so (__emutls_register_common) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#03 pc 0xe09f49 libunity.so (__emutls_register_common) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#04 pc 0xe09f49 libunity.so (__emutls_register_common) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#05 pc 0xe09f49 libunity.so (__emutls_register_common) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#06 pc 0x47dfd libc.so (BuildId: d8a8bbfdbc6a933b1d9eb2c4df04bb26)
#07 pc 0x241f0fc libil2cpp.so (BuildId: 806e0c131767b4279bb9e3906aae2a410c008726)
#08 pc 0x241effc libil2cpp.so (BuildId: 806e0c131767b4279bb9e3906aae2a410c008726)
#09 pc 0x2b09e0 libunity.so (Scripting::LogException(ScriptingExceptionPtr, int, char const*, bool)) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#10 pc 0xf25d8 libunity.so (UnityJavaProxy_LogJNIInvokeException(_JNIEnv, _jobject, long)) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#11 pc 0x7967290084
#12 pc 0x79673af414
#13 pc 0xa15ffc libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#14 pc 0xa14ffc libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#15 pc 0x71c9bb44
#16 pc 0x434a00 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#17 pc 0x5b76a8 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#18 pc 0x4564 libartpalette-system.so (BuildId: e72b985990f185e2e27112f3f59375bf)
#19 pc 0x21d0 libartpalette.so (BuildId: 1fc3041db2ca2a751b2ccce1bb4e468f)
#20 pc 0x4d6d08 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#21 pc 0xbc288 libgui.so (BuildId: 6593278df1893f32e3e1cc824f5332fe)
#22 pc 0x4d7374 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#23 pc 0x7967cbbf24
#24 pc 0x45e870 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#25 pc 0x4d56b0 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#26 pc 0x7967cbbf24
#27 pc 0x6900 liblog.so (BuildId: 28ea5154585a4fc544f1324fcd9ea010)
#28 pc 0x1337fc ld-android.so (BuildId: 2b22c97982283ba374e9e01043ccfbee)
#29 pc 0x80b2bc libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#30 pc 0x7967cbbf24
#31 pc 0xc39d4 libandroid_runtime.so (BuildId: f97dd389577211df611486f199d3564d)
#32 pc 0x71b978e4
#33 pc 0xc3874 libandroid_runtime.so (BuildId: f97dd389577211df611486f199d3564d)
#34 pc 0x71ba2a6c
#35 pc 0x20f240 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#36 pc 0x20087c libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#37 pc 0x79676ee0fa
#38 pc 0x43dd6c libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#39 pc 0x20087c libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#40 pc 0x79676ef00e
#41 pc 0x20008c libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#42 pc 0x43dd1c libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#43 pc 0x79676ef00e
#44 pc 0x20087c libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#45 pc 0x20b0d4 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#46 pc 0x79676ef00e
#47 pc 0x71f68654
#48 pc 0x71f66ee8
#49 pc 0x7235be74
#50 pc 0x7235ff28
#51 pc 0x7235f9ec
#52 pc 0x72069ed8
#53 pc 0xa15ffc libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#54 pc 0x434a00 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#55 pc 0x467134 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
I’m also experiencing a large number of crashes since updating to 2021.3.20f1. Here’s the stack trace.
Crashed: Thread: SIGSEGV 0x0000000000000000
#00 pc 0x6f97e0 libil2cpp.so (BuildId: 806e0c131767b4279bb9e3906aae2a410c008726)
#01 pc 0x350a34 libunity.so (Scripting::UnityEngine: ebugProxy::IsLoggingEnabled(ScriptingExceptionPtr*)) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#02 pc 0xe09f49 libunity.so (__emutls_register_common) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#03 pc 0xe09f49 libunity.so (__emutls_register_common) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#04 pc 0xe09f49 libunity.so (__emutls_register_common) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#05 pc 0xe09f49 libunity.so (__emutls_register_common) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#06 pc 0x47dfd libc.so (BuildId: d8a8bbfdbc6a933b1d9eb2c4df04bb26)
#07 pc 0x241f0fc libil2cpp.so (BuildId: 806e0c131767b4279bb9e3906aae2a410c008726)
#08 pc 0x241effc libil2cpp.so (BuildId: 806e0c131767b4279bb9e3906aae2a410c008726)
#09 pc 0x2b09e0 libunity.so (Scripting::LogException(ScriptingExceptionPtr, int, char const*, bool)) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#10 pc 0xf25d8 libunity.so (UnityJavaProxy_LogJNIInvokeException(_JNIEnv, _jobject, long)) (BuildId: ac7ab575c85f42f344ecad382536d352bc4534eb)
#11 pc 0x7967290084
#12 pc 0x79673af414
#13 pc 0xa15ffc libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#14 pc 0xa14ffc libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#15 pc 0x71c9bb44
#16 pc 0x434a00 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#17 pc 0x5b76a8 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#18 pc 0x4564 libartpalette-system.so (BuildId: e72b985990f185e2e27112f3f59375bf)
#19 pc 0x21d0 libartpalette.so (BuildId: 1fc3041db2ca2a751b2ccce1bb4e468f)
#20 pc 0x4d6d08 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#21 pc 0xbc288 libgui.so (BuildId: 6593278df1893f32e3e1cc824f5332fe)
#22 pc 0x4d7374 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#23 pc 0x7967cbbf24
#24 pc 0x45e870 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#25 pc 0x4d56b0 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#26 pc 0x7967cbbf24
#27 pc 0x6900 liblog.so (BuildId: 28ea5154585a4fc544f1324fcd9ea010)
#28 pc 0x1337fc ld-android.so (BuildId: 2b22c97982283ba374e9e01043ccfbee)
#29 pc 0x80b2bc libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#30 pc 0x7967cbbf24
#31 pc 0xc39d4 libandroid_runtime.so (BuildId: f97dd389577211df611486f199d3564d)
#32 pc 0x71b978e4
#33 pc 0xc3874 libandroid_runtime.so (BuildId: f97dd389577211df611486f199d3564d)
#34 pc 0x71ba2a6c
#35 pc 0x20f240 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#36 pc 0x20087c libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#37 pc 0x79676ee0fa
#38 pc 0x43dd6c libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#39 pc 0x20087c libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#40 pc 0x79676ef00e
#41 pc 0x20008c libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#42 pc 0x43dd1c libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#43 pc 0x79676ef00e
#44 pc 0x20087c libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#45 pc 0x20b0d4 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#46 pc 0x79676ef00e
#47 pc 0x71f68654
#48 pc 0x71f66ee8
#49 pc 0x7235be74
#50 pc 0x7235ff28
#51 pc 0x7235f9ec
#52 pc 0x72069ed8
#53 pc 0xa15ffc libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#54 pc 0x434a00 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
#55 pc 0x467134 libart.so (BuildId: 28c5aa8a2e8fc5df069f717d6e94f7fe)
It looks like this call stack is not properly symbolicated, so I’m not sure how to interpret it. You can generate debug symbols for Android builds by following the instructions here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/android-symbols.html
That might help us gain more insight into this issue.
@JoshPeterson I am also experiencing a lot of crashes on Android, can’t get my app approved by Google Play, I am using 2020.3.43f1. I will try to upgrade my Unity version to 2021 or maybe to 2022, what version do you recommend for a better Android stability? Should I wait for the 2020.3.47?
@JoshPeterson I am also experiencing a lot of crashes on Android, can’t get my app approved by Google Play, I am using 2020.3.43f1. I will try to upgrade my Unity version to 2021 or maybe to 2022, what version do you recommend for a better Android stability? Should I wait for the 2020.3.47?
I don’t have a general feeling about stability of various versions for Android, sorry. I can say that we definitely port more fixes to 2021 and 2022 versions than 2020. Since 2020 is the oldest release cycle we support, we try to limit the changes to it, and only apply fixes that impact many users.
So I would recommend you try 2021 or 2022.
1 Like
I don’t have a general feeling about stability of various versions for Android, sorry. I can say that we definitely port more fixes to 2021 and 2022 versions than 2020. Since 2020 is the oldest release cycle we support, we try to limit the changes to it, and only apply fixes that impact many users.
So I would recommend you try 2021 or 2022.
Yes, I migrate the project to 2021 and now its not crashing on Android anymore, thanks for your reply @JoshPeterson
March 29, 2023, 3:41am
Unity 2021.3.21 not fix this bug, still crashed…