Lots of hung builds recently

I’ve noticed that with an increasing frequency I am seeing UCB jobs needing to be restarted. Typically, a build lasts 10-15 minutes when all is going well. However, occasionally they extend far longer and eventually get restarted and then typically build fine afterward.

I’ve seen this occur on builds that do not use any texture compression (even though the PVRTC tool is a common culprit on my machine for long builds).

The few logs that I’ve looked at for these failed builds do not reveal any obvious causes for the hung build.

This isn’t hugely disruptive but thought I’d mention it for the devs to see.

@Wisteso - thanks for reporting this. We may have just put a fix in place that will improve the results you are seeing. If not, please file a support ticket and we’ll look into it. Thanks!

So far so good. Haven’t seen many (or any?) hung builds recently. I’ll reply here if that changes though.

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