Lottie Animation on Nintendo Switch

Hi, I have a company splashscreen animation designed with Lottie JSON. I want to adapt it to get it up and running without any modification. I found my way to read it in Unity 6 using Skia For Unity (GitHub - ammariqais/SkiaForUnity: Skia For Unity with lottie animations, harfbuzz, svg supports).

Is there any further restriction/limitation to consider, for instance, speaking about nintendo switch development limitations using such plugin on switch; is it actually compatible plugin ?
I want to evaluate how hard it would be to adapt from one platform to another and what would be the alternative if it is not compatible.

My project also heavily depends on svg files (for game character). I deploy my project on the web using CI/CD pipeline, because by sharing SVG assets across platforms. So I would like not to modify them.

Thank you.

Let us know how it goes. Your reference for questions would be the forums related to that plugin and perhaps the privileged Nintendo forums.

My latest understanding is that the SVG reader in Unity always “strikes” the vector image to a raster image. I haven’t used it in a while personally, but you could always do your own reading and conversion to turn it into some kind of geometry instead of raster images.