Low Download Speed

I using UCB free plan.
I really disorder download speed of my iOS builds.
50mb I load over 20min with my 3mb/s internet speed.

Why you limit speed?

We do not limit download speeds. Where are you located and which operator do you have?

I located in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan - I have strong internet connection without limits by the counties

That’s interesting, do you have the possibility to test it with a different provider? (3G or Landline) The servers are currently in USA and there have been reported issues with different providers/connections. Maybe it would be possible to test a different connection to see if this is the issue or if it’s location dependent.

I check download speed on Android Phone.

That’s interesting, thanks for the infos. I see Wifi is enabled. Can you verify that the landline (Wifi) and your 3G connection (if available) has the same issue? I assume that you have different providers for landline and mobile phone. It would help a lot to see if there are differences between 2 different ISP (which only makes sense of course if landline and 3G are from a different provider though).

this is 3G, speed is much faster

On screen with 4.7 MB/S and 156 KB/S, I used landline internet connection

Interesting, but in general it’s a download, that said you may see latency in starting the connection but you shouldn’t have crazy slow speeds. :frowning: There should be no reason on our side why your 3G/LTE speed would be fast but your landline slow(er). So in this case you might want to check back with your ISP of the landline.

Maybe you should test the speed of your internet gain by using any accurate speed test tool. You can check this speed test tool for this purpose because I’m also using this tool to test my internet speed allspeedtest.com Also, follow all the rules before you start the speed test.

After testing if there’s a big difference between the download speed you are getting, contact your internet service provider to fix this problem. Also, think about changing your internet. Look around for the best ISP in your area to have good speed internet.