Low fi terrain with terrain editor

Hello there,
I wonder if it’s possible to use the built-in terrain editor to create a low-fi effect like this one:

I’m going to need a way to decrease the polygon number of the default terrain and completely eliminate smoothing. But I’m really new to this and I don’t know where to start.
Can you help me?
Thank you!

I haven’t tried it, but if you own a sculpting programm like Mudbox, you could import a simple plane and sculpt that rough shape on the lowest subdivision level. After that it’s easy to extract the heightmap.

Else you could use that sculpted “terrain” as a lowpoly mesh.

You can set the resolution of the terrain to a lower one, and reduce the brush size to only influence just a single quad on the terrain. I’m not sure if the terrain gets smoothed by default. But I know you can acces mesh data from the terrain and turn off the smoothing somehow. But not without creating your own script accessing it.

On the other hand, you can try to model one yourself and purchase an addon on the asset store to convert it into a terrain object for Unity. That way you can still paint on it :slight_smile: I think it was “terrain for mobile” or something, that let you convert custom meshes to Unity 3D terrain objects :smile:

Uhm, I should investigate how to control the terrain mesh from script, then.
Thanks for the heads up, will try it soon.
(sorry if my question seems quite stupid, I’ve just started checking the terrain editor and I’m a bit overwhelmed :slight_smile:

I’m also interested in this.

Basically all I think we need to do is turn off the smoothing on the terrain as you would any mesh, I guess there would be LOD issues in the background, but I think this would as to the low fi look rather than look odd… does anyone know if this is possible?