Low FPS in Game View, perfect FPS in build

New dev here, so this may be a noob mistake but;

Whenever I press the run button to test a scene, the game view gives me a framerate of around 10 FPS, but in a real build it’s perfectly fine. This happens with an empty scene, all of the demo games I’ve made from the Unity Tutorials, everything, and I can’t figure out why. The only answers I can turn up for similar problems are that the devs eventually either realized a stupid mistake or the problem eventually went away with optimization, but since this happens with an empty scene I don’t think that’s the problem here. During the tutorials I just ignored it, but now that I’m attempting to make a VR game I’d rather not have to build it every time I have to test something. Am I just missing something stupid here?

I have the same Problem!
Gizmos are off, no srypts are added.
It a complete new empty Project.
It runs with 17Fps. The buildet app runs fine.

Exact same problem here. Any solutions?

A recent update fixed it, I believe the 5.5.2 one. I submitted a bug report when I posted this and the QA team got back to me a few weeks ago and said they thought it was an unsupported GPU issue (GTX1080). Everything works fine now though, sorry I can’t be of more use.