Low FPS rate. Can't find the problem. Followed Unity's Guide

Update - Fixed by changing a tree texture from uncompressed 36bit to compressed 4bit

I’m making a game for the iPhone and I can’t seem to get a frame rate of at least 30 fps. It seems to be staying around 18-23fps. I’ve followed Unity - Manual: Graphics performance fundamentals and my draw calls are normal along with the verts and tris. Every now and then the verts will go over 100k but even when there are at 30k there is still a low framerate.

Here is an in-game screenshot of my stats

FPS: 18.81907??

I’ve also done occlusion culling with static and dynamic batching. I’ve turn the quality all the way down (and set texture at eighth rez) and it did not affect the fps.

Would it be my VRAM?? I don’t know much about it. If so how could I fix it?

Any Help??

Thanks you!!


(Don’t look at the FPS in the stats. They’re not accurate. Look at the circled number.)

Try to set the submit HW statistics to off, and script call optimisation to fast. Also, try to reduce your draw calls a bit more. Also the app store requires iOS7 compatibility i think.

Edit: Did you try it on an actual device btw?

Okay I finally sortof got it fixed! :slight_smile:

It turns out that I had a tree texture that was uncompressed at 36bits!! So I changed it to some sort of compressed 4bit and it still looks great!!

My game is now running from 25-30 fps and has yet to drop below 20fps which will work fine.

Thanks for the help and responses @meat5000 @tanoshimi @screenname_taken!
