Low frequency of events for Apple Pencil

Using InputSystem.onEvent I’m only seeing about 70 events per second with an Apple Pencil. I’m wondering if the InputSystem isn’t calling the coalescedTouches function to get all the events (looks like there’s also a predictedTouches call that would be nice to have access to). Is it possible to get access to all the pencil events?

I have started writing an Apple Pencil native plugin to fix this issue (and others). I’m already able to get the full 240hz from it, but I’m hoping other interested people might want to chip in and fill in some remaining parts, or point out things I’m doing wrong. I don’t actually have a Mac so I’m building it with Cloud Build which means 20min compile times and no device logs, so it is a struggle to work on this. :slight_smile:

In particular, I would really appreciate it if someone who understands InputSystem well could look over this and see if I’m doing it right - I haven’t been able to find other examples of doing this kind of thing.

Info and code here, please let me know if you want to help! GitHub - all-iver/UnityApplePencil: Adds proper Apple Pencil support to Unity's InputSystem.