Low quality lightmaps?

Hey guys!

A friend and I have been fighting with this for the better part of the week now, and we have been doing endless google searches trying to get these looking perfect but we are having some issues…

We have tried changing the resolution of the lightmaps that beast makes, and even creating our own lightmap packs in blender, but our shadows always come out jagged, or just poor looking…

I took some screen shots of everything, and I was wondering if I could get some advice on what to try next…

Beast settings and resolution of model

Beast settings without the resolution showing so you can see the shadow quality

Here is our lightmap pack from blender… We used 2048 resolution, 12 packing quality, and 0.25 pack margin I believe.

Here is the model’s import settings

And here are the directional light’s settings, in both the scene and lightmap

I have tried a number of different settings and resolutions, and played with the lights settings a lot too…

We just want to try and clean that shadow up, it is really visible to a player when they are near it…

Thanks for all of your time and help!

Is the light map compressed?
What resolution does the created light map has?

Heya! Thanks for the reply!

I have tried uncompressing them, and the quality only increases a really tiny bit… not enough to warrant the extra 15 megabytes…

The resolution for the lightmap in this picture is 2048x2048!