Lower or Higher then playerprefs int value

I have simple coin system. I have prefab named “PlayerBank” and have 3 levels which based on coins. I want to do like something like this. How can i do that?

 if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("PlayerBank"))
            //if lower than int user cant click level
            //if higher than int user can click level

Do you have a scene for each level? In this case you have to use SceneManagement to load the level.

The code below is not perfect. It’s just an example of how you could do it!

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement

        /* if you are using GameObjects
        public GameObject level1;
        public GameObject level2;
        public GameObject level3;

        void Example()
            int nameWhateverYouWant;

            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("PlayerBank"))
                nameWhateverYouWant = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("PlayerBank", 0);

                if (nameWhateverYouWant == 1)
                else if (nameWhateverYouWant == 2)
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You can use PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key) to retrieve the integer value at the given key. After which, you can compare with the existing logical operators.

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