Just to update everybody that Liquid Physics 2D, Unity’s most advanced 2D physics plugin is now back on sale and updated to version 1.2. With full unity 5 support.
1.2 adds a host of new features such as…
Unity 2d physics Converter.
Convert all Unity 2d physics bodies and fixtures into LP2D ones at the click of a button.
All gameobjects and transforms will remain undisturbed.
Mass of Unity rigidbody will not be converted, as LP2D uses the density of the bodys fixtures to calculate the mass of the body.
Joints will not be converted. This feature coming soon!
Android X86 support
New X86 Android library included.
New Create particle system API functions allow you to customize particle behaviour
You can define the strengths of the forces applied by the various particle material flags
New Particle system Set static pressure iteration API function
LPParticleGroup has get Velocity and get Position methods.
Returns average velocity or position. Note position only works for rigid particle groups
Prismatic joint can be rotated in editor before runtime and translation axis will rotate.
LPFixture set collision flags method added
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