Ludum Dare 32 is closing in and I was wondering if those of you who have participated before have any tips for newcomers like me. I will join this year and it will be my first game jam. I’m expecting it to be exceptionally hard for me because I’m a perfectionist and the type of person who can spend 48 hours polishing a single sound effect, not make an entire game from scratch.
Do you have WIP threads going on this forum or is that too much work to keep up with? I’m planning on trying at least. I won’t be doing a live stream as I have no clue how disciplined I will be. I may end up watching porn or gaming for the entire weekend and I wouldn’t want to live stream that.
Ludum Dare doesn’t seem to have a forum on their site and the rules page didn’t answer all my questions so I’ll ask some here and double check them someplace else if I get ambiguous answers.
- The rules state everything has to be made during the 48 hour compo. That probably excludes the use of the audio database I already have but I’m guessing it’s ok to record sound effects during that time, or extract them from video like youtube? The Sfxr-type sound effects only really work for a certain type of games in my opinion and sound is important to me.
- What tools are there for generating sound? I know about Sfxr and I see Ludum Dare list a few other on their site, but do you have personal experience with any tools you like? Preferably free. No matter what game I end up making I want it to have sound effects and music.
- I don’t have any experience with creating music. This relates to the above question, but what are good tools for creating or generating music from scratch?
- Is the theme revealed just as compo starts or sooner?
My plan is to make a huge lasagna before the compo ensuring I’ll be set for food for the entire weekend with only the occasional toilet break removing me from the computer. But if I don’t drink much I can keep those to a minimum and I guess some kind of hose or bucket system could work…
Apart from that I have no clue. I could wuss out and attempt some small 2-dayish games before the compo starts, but that would be like checking the temperature of the water with your toe before jumping in and I plan on jumping in. I do however want to experiment some with sound beforehand. My normal approach to sound is to record/extract sound effects and process them in Adobe Audition which I expect may be too cumbersome in such a short timespan And music I haven’t really touched before.