Ludum Dare 32 - Telefragger

As some of you may know Ludum Dare 32 is currently happening and it’s my first time participating. I want to at least try and keep a work in progress thread going here.

This is how far I’ve gotten at the moment:

The theme this time is “An unconventional weapon”. When I first saw the theme I was bit frustrated because I had some great ideas for the other themes and I felt like this theme would just result in a lot of shooter games where you just shoot weird things instead of bullets.

I didn’t want to make a shooter game so this is a game inspired by telefragging in Doom. It will be a puzzle game or a blend of action and puzzle. It’s all work in progress and I’m trying hard to keep the number of features to a minimum. :stuck_out_tongue:

The story so far is that you are the “The telefragger”. Your weapon is a teleporter which you use to teleport inside your target to blow them up. Your teleporter is also your primary means of transportation.

I will focus on polish for the next update. I don’t like going further with things unless I know what I have is working properly. Which is perhaps different from how a lot of other people approach game development.

If all goes according to plan I will have the core game ready today and I can use sunday for just producing some interesting levels.


Now we got some actual characters… sort of. I hate myself for deciding to rig and animate characters rather than just keep the boxes or something similar. I am probably the worst at it and I absolutely hate it. Probably spent 4 hours or so making what you see there. My rig kept blowing up so in the end I decided to more or less animate without one. My rig has no bones now.

There’s a puzzle as well now. Although it is unsolvable for the time being. :stuck_out_tongue:

Added a heatwave effect to the teleportation and changed the shader for the teleportation marker so it blends better with the trail.

A small break now before I’ll polish all the things that I already have in there and then I’ll clean up the project folder a bit. The messy folders and code files annoy me. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s one thing I’m struggling with. How would you go about detecting say a 75% overlap between 2 box coliders or bounding boxes? To detect when to blow up the enemy. Currently it’s hard to blow them up because I have some bugs in there as well, but I’m also just checking to see if the bounds of the enemy collider overlap my transform position, ie. a point.

Last update of the day:

The puzzle is solveable now, although in a ridiculous way. :stuck_out_tongue:

Been mostly focusing on fixing bugs and annoying issues. Also added health and the guards shoot after you now. Added the cookie cutter next-gen blood screen when you get hit.

Tomorrow I will have to focus on level design and puzzles if this is going to become an actual game.

But there’s a few more features I want to add as well and it needs a lot more polish. Especially my amazing animations. :smile:

It runs more than acceptable on my old Macbook Air so I’m guessing the performance is fine.

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Managed to complete a lot of the main features and squash the worst bugs. But less than 5 hours left now. It still looks like a prototype and plays like a prototype. :stuck_out_tongue:

The gameplay is neither challenging nor fun at the moment.

Will see what I can do with the time I have left.

I really like your idea!

But is it supposed to be playable on your site? None of the links work for me, they just scroll on top.

You’re probably using Chrome. Use another browser or paste this into your address bar:


Google disabled the Unity Webplayer by default in the latest version of Chrome. And the normal javascript checks in the UnityObject javascript does not detect this. So my website thinks your webplayer is missing when it is in fact not supported. There’s nothing I can do to fix these checks I think.

I haven’t had the time to write any disclaimers about it on my site because of Ludum Dare. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the idea it became far too generic. And I don’t have time to actually do anything with it. I’ve barely got the time to get a working prototype together. I bit off more than I could chew. :stuck_out_tongue:

I did actually try all that, still no luck. The same with Chrome, FF and IE.

And you can play web players other places?

It works fine for me in all browsers. I was going to provide a way of direct linking to the web player on my site for Ludum Dare, but I’m not sure if I have time for that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will add standalone builds when I submit it to Ludum Dare so if you can’t get it working you can try it then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Webplayer works for me (ff, ie).

It’s up: data is offline | Ludum Dare

I like the concept and bravo for not going the shooter route.

Thank you. I’m finishing the postmortem as I write this. It’ll be up later today.

The amount of feedback you get on Ludum Dare even on an unfinished game like this is really enjoyable.

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Post-mortem available here: