Lurching toward Early Access: Players Needed for Testing

Hey Guys! I’ve been a long time forum regular but over the last few months I’ve avoided logging in (kept getting distracted from work!). I’m in the process of looking toward my Early Access release on Steam (hopefully in around a month) - the release will have to happen in Alpha so it’s gonna be a bit sketchy - but sometimes you need to roll with what you’ve got.

I should be ready to do some play testing in the next day or two. The game is not quite in Alpha, and might be both a bit buggy and a bit incomplete. That said, it should hopefully be at least somewhat fun and promising.

The game is a turn based strategy RPG, kind of like an XCOM, Mordheim City of the Damned, or Valkiyra Chronicals.

Here’s a video from a couple months ago:

There have been numerous improvements and changes since then, but it should give you an idea for what the game is and how it plays.

Each mission should take around 15 minutes to finish. Feedback is valuable after one mission, so it doesn’t have to take a lot of time.

Please PM me if you’d be interested in trying out a build.


  • F

Why are you so shy about giving a public build? Just post a link! Looks good for an indie RPG. Slow tactical combat will cut your sales a lot. Most people don’t like to think. Is there any multiplayer support? How big is your team?

Thanks, it looks much better now, as I’ve cleaned up a lot of stuff. Thankfully, I don’t really need to sell many copies, I’m the only guy on the team! No multi player planned. But who knows, maybe if I hit the lotto :wink:

I’d like to send testers some notes, and maybe a private video explaining some of the newest and rawest features. So PMs are definitely preferred.

Again, just shoot a response here or PM me if you’re interested in helping to shape a pretty cool little game.

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You have a PM.

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Don’t launch into Early Access unless your game:

  • is 75%+ complete;
  • is highly polished;
  • provides at least a few hours of entertainment;
  • can be patched fortnightly (worst case monthly);
  • will be finished within 12 months.

Steam mantra: quality is more important than quantity. An hour of awesome is far better than ten hours of meh.

In it’s current form, you’ll probably find better quality testers in greater numbers in game dev forums than you’ll get through Early Access. You usually only get one launch opportunity on Steam (be that SEA launch or final release), and if you risk it with something that isn’t ready you’ll pick up negative reviews and scuttle yourself. If that happens, you’ll need emotional fortitude to power through.


I’m not interested in playtesting, but the game is looking a lot more polished than the previous showings.
Animations look to be a TON better / smoother, with clean transitions.
If there was one critique I could give from the video - it would be the camera seems to be very - all over the place. Its not buggy or anything, just kind of a lot of zooms. There are a lot of zoom in/outs and movements which - if cleaned (reduced) might result in a better presentation.
Nice update overall @frosted