LVL license system


Anyone got it to work?

I have this on my game:
void Awake() {
useGUILayout = false;
if (iPhoneSettings.internetReachability != iPhoneNetworkReachability.NotReachable !iPhoneUtils.isApplicationGenuine)

And it always return true because iPhoneUtils.isApplicationGenuine is always false.
I entered the LVL public key on Unity and set the default value ‘LICENSED’ on the market website, still no luck

Just wondering if I’m the first one who tested this, anyone else with the same issue managed to solve it?


It is working fine for Zombie Defense (only on actual device, of course, not from the Editor). For it to work, you must have your APK uploaded to the market (but it doesn’t need to be published yet). Once you upload an .apk, it continues to work even if you make changes locally for development (you don’t have to upload the apk again as you continue working). The market just has to know about the apk for the LVL check to ever work. Also, make sure you set the test response for your email account on your android market page.

Hi Claytonious,

Can you explain in detail about the procedure to check LVL from unity3d. We have added test account in android market page and uploaded an APK file and published it. When we purchased the app from android market, “iPhoneUtils.isApplicationGenuine” always returning false status.

if(iPhoneSettings.internetReachability != iPhoneNetworkReachability.NotReachable)
** if(iPhoneUtils.isApplicationGenuine)**
** {**
** InstrText.text = “Genuine Application”;**
** }**
** else**
** {**
** InstrText.text = “Not a Genuine Application”;**
** }**
** InstrText.text = “No Internet”;**
