[LWRP] Area light baking not working

I’m trying to generate light maps with an area light (which is baked only), but I don’t see any light output in generated lightmaps. I verified this by switching the viewport to “baked lightmap” mode. I do see some light output when using point lights in Baked mode. Are area lights not working in LWRP? I’m on 2019.2.0.a9

noticed the same thing using 19.1.0f2. Ill post if i figure it out!

I found that one way to get around it is to create a static emissive light in the shape of the plane. It’s virtually the same.

Also having this issue with 2019.1.2f1

This is after manually baking. Doesn’t matter if I’m using enlighten or progressive.

This issue is going to be fixed in LWRP 5.14.0 for 2019.1 and 6.7.0 for 2019.2.


Area Light still does not work for me. @LeonhardP @JoeysLucky22
LWRP 5.7.2 version
Unity 2019.1.0f

The fix is available from LWRP 5.14.0 onwards for 2019.1 releases.

Could you please update the editor to 2019.1.6 and then the LWRP version to 5.16.1 and see if this resolves the issue?

@LeonhardP , I have version 2019.1.6f1 Updated the LWRP 5.16.1 to and it’s still not working with area lights.

Hello, I just found how to make area work with 2019.1.6f1 Updated the LWRP 5.16.1.

Just create a Point light, baked, then switch to Area.


I literally came here to say the same exact thing and found your post. Awesome stuff :slight_smile:

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not working for me in 2019.1.6

Working in 2019.2.0f1 with LWRP 6.9.1.
Switch your Area Light to Point, switch it from Realtime to Baked, switch it back to Area.


Not working for me

This worked for me. Unity 2019.2.2f1 with LWRP 6.9.1. Thanks.

This worked for me in 2019.2.5f1 and LWRP 6.9.1 Interesting new workflow Unity has created. :eyes:


Worked for me, 2019.2.9f1 LWRP 6.9.2, very weird workflow…

Area light only works as Rectangle shape, not Disc, even when I’ve updated to LWRP 6.9.2. Could do with a disc shaped one please Unity!