LWRP directional light culling mask not working?

Or is it just me?

I’m using Unity 2018.2.0b6.

This seems to be a bug

Any update on this @Grimreaper358 ? It seems like it still not fixed in LWRP 4.6.0 / Unity 2018.3

Haven’t seen anything on this yet but it might have slipped past me. You can take a look at the changelog and see if it’s on there - https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ScriptableRenderPipeline/blob/release/2018.3/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/CHANGELOG.md

Hi, as for LWRP this issue is fixed in 2019.1 (with an upcoming fix for shadows in work)
Unfortunately, this will not be backported to Unity 2018 version.

Hi, sorry if it’s OT,
and what about light culling mask in HDRP? Is there any ETA? Thank you.

afaik that’s already supported in 5.x version of HDRP.

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i don’t think it is supported in LWRP 6.7.1