[LWRP] Weird bug only on iPhoneX and Ipad Pro 3

We’ve been fighting for a week with this bug, mainly because we can’t reproduce on the editor neither on our older devices. Our client has the latest iPhone X and iPad Pro and gets this huge difference:
Client device

Our device

This is driving us a bit nuts since we’re fighting with this since the beginning of the week and still can’t find a solution.

The project is LWRP from the ground up, the terrain material is using Lit shader and most of the other objects are using Simple Lit. If you notice even on those there are huge differences in look.

Right now, we’re trying to do a new build with ASTC compression, to check if its something wrong with the packing, but I highly doubt it, otherwise the other simple lit materials would work just fine. And probably changing the shader precision on the SHADER_API_MOBILE definitions, I’ve seen it being a problem on the standard pipeline before so maybe the problem leaked to LWRP.

Anyway, all help is appreciated, we’re really running out of ideas here.

Artur Leao

I think I was able to narrow down this, if I turn off HDR in the reflection probes, the issue seems to be fixed. Maybe it’s something related to the image format not working correctly on A12 chips? Would be great to have some insight from Unity devs on this.

It would be great if you could report a bug. We can then investigate this further :slight_smile:

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I’m on it, but cant really find an URL to do that? It would be really great if this could be sorted out, Although I found out something that helped the client build look better its still not 100%. On my A10 device it looks just fine.

Done, still haven’t received the link to the bug report though.

There you go: 1151138

Perfect, thanks!

@headlessstudio just a heads up, sharing the link to the bug report exposes the rest of your reports to the public. It is enough to just share the report number (1151138) so people can’t see your other reports.

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Thanks, I thought that would be only available to me (the user).

Did you manage to figure this one out? I think I’m having the same issue that only appears on an iPhone X. It started when I switched the camera to perspective and moved it away from the content in my scene - everything goes all grey until the camera moves in. Any tips would be appreciated.


Yes and no. I think the issue was something related on how specular/metal is calculated on some devices, so we ended up removing/lowering specular/metal values until the geometry looked fine. Not sure if this relates to your issue though.