LWRP - Which particle to replace Mobile particle?


We use Mobile > Particle shader in the past. Then we upgrade the project to LWRP and would like to use only LWP shaders. However, we can find any shader/setting to replace Mobile > Particles > Multiply, Mobile > Particles > Additive & Mobile > Particles > Alpha Bended.


These can all be replaced with the Lightweight Pipeline/Particles/Standard Unlit, just make sure the ‘Color Mode’ is set to ‘Multiply’ and then just change the ‘Rendering Mode’ depending on the effect you need:

For Multiply use ‘Modulate’

For Additive use ‘Additive’

For Alpha Blended use ‘Fade’

These shaders are all pretty optimised, but if you are really pushing for every grain of performance then it might be best to stick to the builtin Mobile shaders, these still work fine with LWRP and are not going anywhere anytime soon, also there is no downside to using them, especially if you are looking to ship soon. Eventually we will need to replace them once we look at depreciating the builtin pipeline, but this is a long long way off yet.


@Andre_Mcgrail Has this changed in recent versions?

Yes it has.

and … @Andre_Mcgrail … what are recommended settings now with 2019.2?


In case anyone is in doubt a video of how it is done.

In Unity 2018

In Unity 2019


I did this and made the particles work on LWRP. Thanks a lot. But when I made a WebGL version, the particles are not shown. They’re ok on Editor, PC and Android builds though.

Particle system trails aren’t rendering in Urp could you help me with this?

Ah nevermind I didn’t put material in renderer (silly me)

I’m using Unity 2019.2.21f1. Trying to upgrade a shader from Vertex Lit Blended into LWRP (used in DustMotes particle effect from Unity Particle Pack). Can’t make it work with the info above… Is it not possible?