m_rig.setActive(false) or set weight = 0

With Animation rigging package:

I have a few rigs on a character that I toggle the weights to zero, only one rig will be on at a time.

if not in use, should I set other rigs game objects to setActive(false) or just set the weight to zero on all of them and leave the game objects on

…or does it not matter

It’s the same thing, disabling a rig or setting its weight to zero implies the rig is evaluated with a weight of zero.

ok thanks. I was first learning it that day it makes sense to me now.

I suppose I should profile it to find out if there is anything different as far as performance.

Updated answer to my original question which title was slightly confusing.

I have “Empty” game objects inside my Player that only hold the rigs and constraints that reference the players bones.

If I disable the game object holding the rig*,* before or during the game, the rigs are still fully working 100%.

In my setup, the players root (this game object is enabled) has the rig builder which still references the rigs, it does not matter if the rigs themselves are on a disable game object or not they still fully run.

so, disabling just the game object holding the rig does not do anything when rig builder is referencing them and weight is on.