I was working on my mmorpg project, I had finally gotten to a good point, then I edited a script. It should have worked, but still, it had errors. So, since it was not important anyway, I undid what I wrote and saved, then still had about 20 different errors saying somewhat the same thing. All of the errors started with m_TransformInfo.worldAABB.IsValid() or !IsFinite(outDistanceForSort)
the line under all of them said, "UnityEditor.DockArea:OnGUI() PLEASE HELP! I just got to an AWESOME point in my game developing, which worked for a couple hours, and then these errors piled up on me… THIS IS SO ANNOYING!
Probably related to: What does !slot->GetLocalAABB().IsValid() mean? - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions
I found that the errors weren’t attached to any object itself, or script. It was only the Unity editor. Whenever I clicked on anything, or even slightly moved my cursor, the errors piled up.
I just deleted everything in the scene. It worked for some reason