Mac Build Option not getting shown

Hi there,Mac Build Option in the build settings is not getting shown,some one please help me,sharing screenshot

The most simple question…are you on a mac?

I’m guessing not, since it shows windows. By default, the version that is installed matches your OS I’m pretty sure. Otherwise, you need to add the correct module in Unity hub when you install the version of Unity. I don’t believe you have to be on a mac to build for a mac if you install the module, but I’ve never done a mac standalone build, so I’m not sure if it’s like iOS where you need a mac to build from xcode.


You can build mac builds from PC just fine. In order to add modules to your existing install like @Brathnann is saying, go to the installs tab of the hub and select the dropdown on the install.

When shipping games on platforms like Steam or GOG, you can just grab the .app generated from the PC build and ship it. If you’re shipping on the mac app store (it’s probably not going to earn you back the time invested), or on IOS (a must if you’re making a mobile game), you have to go through xcode.

By the way, there used to be some instances where the executable bit on the executable got lost when zipping on PC and then unzipping on Mac, which caused us a bunch of headaches, not sure if that ever got fixed. So be aware of that if your mac build created on a pc doesn’t work.

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Oh I think that is the problem i am facing,i am zipping on my PC uploading on drive,and my client is getting an error after unzipping it,error says this file is an app .Not sure what to do.
But what if I don’t zip the .app file, and upload each and every file as it is, yeah it is huge hard work, but I think this is the only way to it ?

There’s some tricks.

In order to confirm that that’s what’s actually going on, you’ll have to unzip on a mac, and check it’s permissions (Open command line, cd into, run ls -l on the file there).

If that is the problem, I seem to remember that using 7Zip to pack the file in a .tar first and then packing the .tar into a .7z archive seemed to work.

An alternative is to just have a script run that sets the correct permission on the user’s drive as a part of an install step.

We haven’t dealt with this in a long time, so I’m not sure how up to date my info is.