Fired up Unity this morning to create a new project and locking up the entire computer. I figured it might have gotten corrupted, so I uninstalled, ran the disk utility first aid and then installed a fresh copy and rebooted.
Same thing. White screen, Unity menu at the top and nothing on the computer is responding.
Got it. Turns out something in the /Library/Application Support had gotten corrupted. Flushed that out as well as the Application itself and reinstalled. all is well.
Happened again yesterday. In the middle of a project and I can’t even load the editor as the system locks up, the spinning beachball happens and the harddrive is running.
Went through the same steps as before, but it’s still not loading. It’s rather odd since it had been running fine a few hours before.
Make a new user account and use Unity from that for a while. Just copy the project and assets over, no settings or anything. If it still has issues try reinstalling the OS on top of the existing installation.
Something is corrupted in your settings, but it could be some of the OS-managed folders in ~/Library/Caches. Make the new account admin and start deleting anything remotely like temporary data, then reboot in single-user mode (cmd-S while booting) and run “fsck -fy”. HFS+ volumes get errors from time to time which aren’t fixable outside safe modes