The Unity editor is Mac-only. There is a timeline for a Windows release, but it isn’t public, and not expected to happen within the year. I recommend you get a Mac if you can afford it. It will be the best purchase you ever make.
do you kindly advice me anything to like this engine to work for PC ? i have been search for long time without any real chance and i just believe this “Unity” is the best - but it’s only for mac.
sorry to keep just ask same thread … but i really need to have something cool like this to work on my pc
I’ve researched engines on both platforms for a long time and I can honestly say I haven’t found anything for the PC world that comes close to the game authoring environment from Unity, and I’m primarily a Windows user.
If you want to stay on the pc you might want to give Game Studio Express 2 ( ) or Shiva ( ) a try - not as good as Unity but it’s available.
there are a lot of engines for windows: cryengine2, unreal engine3, FPSCreator,
source, Serious Engine, 3D Gamestudio, Wolfenstein 3D, Quake-Engine, …
Seriously, you should buy a mac Then, you buy unity3d…
The optimal solution!