Mac or PC !

Hello every one …
i don;t believe it please …

just tell me kindly … does this great engine work for only Mac ? no any chance to get it work for PC

i need to have it on my PC any bad please it means all my future that i count for …!

Thanks for what you have done and do

The Unity editor is Mac-only. There is a timeline for a Windows release, but it isn’t public, and not expected to happen within the year. I recommend you get a Mac if you can afford it. It will be the best purchase you ever make.

Thanks for your response ,… but i’m using PC means this wont work for me … :S am i right ?

Thanks alot

You can play/deploy Unity-based games on Windows or Mac OS, but you can only create games on Mac OS.


Thanks again ,…

do you kindly advice me anything to like this engine to work for PC ? i have been search for long time without any real chance and i just believe this “Unity” is the best - but it’s only for mac.

sorry to keep just ask same thread … but i really need to have something cool like this to work on my pc


Easy, get a mac. :smile:

I’ve researched engines on both platforms for a long time and I can honestly say I haven’t found anything for the PC world that comes close to the game authoring environment from Unity, and I’m primarily a Windows user.


well thanks alot i will see what i can do :slight_smile:

appreciate your very great answers

I heard macos intel version can be installed on pc. Google it. but better you get real mac if you can afford it. :slight_smile:

If you want to stay on the pc you might want to give Game Studio Express 2 ( ) or Shiva ( ) a try - not as good as Unity but it’s available.

oh … how can i thank you guys

thanks alooooot

i will keep it up work till i can get Mac my own then i will pay for this best erngine …

but for now i will keep trying the 2 of above engines

thanks so much

there are a lot of engines for windows: cryengine2, unreal engine3, FPSCreator,
source, Serious Engine, 3D Gamestudio, Wolfenstein 3D, Quake-Engine, …
Seriously, you should buy a mac :stuck_out_tongue: Then, you buy unity3d…
The optimal solution! :slight_smile: