Mac OS, using dock icon to start my project. [HUB as optional?]


Am I the only one with this issue? :slight_smile:

I am using Mac OS. I like having shortcuts I use on my dock. It’s easy. You can move them around etc and if you want an icon to stay, you just say ‘keep in dock’. Easy enough.
Then the next time you want to use it - just click the icon - and you’re set.

But … opening a project via Unity HUB always opens a new window (even though I already stick the editor icon to the dock).

My computer is a place for work. I don’t use many programs, or do many different things. But how the dock works seems the most basic operation of the OS. I don’t understand the reason why the HUB exists any more - but could it at least act as the part of the OS? Can it see if the Unity icon is already present in the doc - and open it instead of a new instance? No other software I know of does this.

The launching process is just stupid:

  1. Start Unity from the dock

  2. This opens Unity HUB. Now I select to open my project…

  3. … and yet another icon pops up. Now I have 3 icons! And I can’t control their positioning. Why would you do this Unity??

To go even further - it would be so nice if you could remove the HUB starting (have it as an optional tool). It is useful, but probably 5 minutes per month (chose version to open project). Not have it start every. single. time. I want to work in Unity.

There is a big reason I look forward to jumping ship from Adobe (I check out competition often). So much bloatware in their launcher apps… all 8! of them. Unity hub is moving in that direction I am afraid…
I’d rather HUB not exist - than the way it is now. I’ll find a way to manage my editor version, like I did before.
Please, please make the HUB optional.

Kind regards

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What I found was that if I use UnityHub from the menu icon (top of the screen) to open my project…
This will indeed open the icon/instance that was previously in my dock.
This way I have ‘only’ 2 icons.

This means I have found sort of a solution to my problem.

A message for Unity: “Boy it sure would be nice if UnityHub was optional.”

This seriously drove me insane too, I’m really OCD.

For me, one solution that seems to work with Unity Hub 2.3.2, Unity 2020.2.0a19.2490, and macOS 10.15.6 is this:
Go to the General Settings of Unity Hub, and set the Unity Editors Folder to be the /Applications/Unity path on your mac, and save. This makes it use the same Unity icon, but yea it’s still using Unity Hub, so there are also 2 icons like kreso.

Hopefully it’s not just me.


That worked!

Wow this worked, thanks!

In my case scenario, I work with multiple packages which are in different projects, so Unity Hub is pretty much an essential part of my workflow. Using unity hub from the menu icon as @kreso suggested only shows me the last 5 projects and it’s not enough for me. In my case what was annoying was the Unity icons clogging up my dock bar.

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