Mac OS X + Fullscreen: Black Screen


I’m using Unity 5.3.2p2, and when running my game in fullscreen on Mac OS X, I have a black screen. I have integrated Steamworks, and when pressing Shift+Tab, the in-game Steam UI works fine (with a black background).

The game runs fine in windowed mode.

I’ve tried all the available fullscreen modes in the player settings for Mac.

Is this a know issue ? Is there a fix?


You can try patch 4, if this does not work, then make a bug report, as if its Unity issue, no one can fix apart from Unity…

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I’ve tried patch 4 today, still the same issue :confused:

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Do you have your black screen when you actually run the game on steam? Or it is also happening when you run a custom build on your computer?

If this is on steam, try to disable the overlay and let us know if that fixes (temporarily) the issue.