Mac Slow As F, Importing Assets!

For the last few versions I been trying to Understand why importing Assets takes almost hour on Mac even simple projects, I tried a number of machines, its always the image files that slow. On Windows its much faster. It feels like Unity restricting Unity to use Macs full power, this has come up number of times in support forums. I see CPU is low when importing, memory usage is High etc… so do I need a PC with more CPU or Memory to speed up the damn process!!

Hi MrEsquire, can you tell us if you’re on High Sierra (MacOS 10.13) ? Our devs believe the performance might have dropped with the OS change, and I’d like to confirm this hypothesis.


Is this something you started experiencing in 2017.3?
I am checking the performance tests we have for importing and I am not seeing any drastic changes going from 2017.2 to 2017.3

Im using macOS 10.13.2, not sure if the point release has any effect.
I think small assets are ok, it struggles when it comes to “Image Assets”
I do believe there is some performance changes, but can confirm definitely macOS and Windows performance not the same.

I’m not sure the type of tests you are doing, not sure also how you measuring the performance, timing it manually??
As I do not see how a script can analyze the time it takes for the project to be imported or switch standalone to say iOS
BTW not talking about asset store imports.

Our code is instrumented and we run integration tests every few days to make sure no new code broke the performance. You might have a specific edge case or configuration that our test is not checking. We’ll ask our QA to try to reproduce the issue and will be able to debug it if it’s encountered.

Huum, I believe you, can you provide some info how this test is conducted exactly as maybe a issue with specific cases.
I’m not understanding how you the results are produced, e.g. you have a project with TextureAssets, or you make a clean project and then import TextureAssets. Sorry if it all sounds confusing…

For me their is 3 user scenarios.

  1. Upgrading projects - this re-imports all the assets.
  2. Importing assets into a existing projects (asset store)
  3. Switching between Standalone and Mobile - iOS etc.

All 3 produce different results to me…

Yes well the image is not very useful in this scenario… :slight_smile:
These two tests are executed on empty project importing a variety of that type of assets.

Can you please file a bug and attach your project?
We can run it through the rigs we have and see if we are missing something.
Just send me the case link please so I can follow up.

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I’ve noticed this as well in earlier versions. TGA files with transparency import slow as molasses. Could take an hour when reimporting a project.


One other thing, what file formats you use for Texture/Image tests? e.g. png/tga
If its no secret…

jpg, png, psd, tga, tiff and some other less used are included in the test.

Like I mentioned before if you could send your project or assets it would be very helpful on figuring out if it is an actual regression.

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Try switching to a different platform iOS / android for example it’s very slow.
Try doing that on a project with 5 GB of asset store packs and you can wait for few hours

And it has always been slow, local cache makes it better for the second time.
Still I remember seeing a unity keynote that says they were working on a asset importer that worked on the background and did not block user interaction in the interface, is that still coming ? when.

[quote=“Lars-Steenhoff, post:13, topic: 684988, username:Lars-Steenhoff”]
Still I remember seeing a unity keynote that says they were working on a asset importer that worked on the background and did not block user interaction in the interface, is that still coming ? when.
[/quote]Yes, we’re still working on it. No ETA yet.

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