the smuk that sold me a graphics card said to update firmware and to do so I had to boot in os9. I changed the preferences and now it doesn boot up-floppy with a question mark.
I can get into open firmware okay, can anyone suggest a command in there to make it boot into osx? thanks heaps
luckily I have a spare pc to type this
Ummm, this doesn’t sound too good. Anyway, to choose which OS to boot into hold down the option key on start up until you see a choice between OSX and OS9. Get back to us after that… any GFX card that needs some OS9 crap seems very suspect to me.
no luck
option while booting shows me my hd but not an option of osx or classic.
x down on startup just doesnt seem 2 do anything
brought g4 wih cdrom drive and a dvd of tiger. -secondhand. nevermind
still listening…cheers
this command in open firmware shows all the directory contents, so i know my disc is intact
dir hd:\
and theres the startup file
dir hd:\System/Library/CoreServices/BootX
if I knew what exension it had maybe I could boot it from open firmware?
You shouldn’t have to boot into os 9 to install firmware. My guess is that if you booted into 9 and installed a firmware update it may have overwitten a newer firmware version, hence the inability to boot into X. You might try searching the Apple support site for OS X-required firmware releases for your G4 model and seeing if you can get one of them installed. This may overwrite the one that caused the problem.
hey guys cheers for the help
no luck, but there should be an os9 cd in the mail soon, which should enable me to get to a few more settings.
yeah this open firmware malarkey is suspect. turns out the dude was trying to do me a favor by helping me update it. but the os9 only stuff seems weird.
because I had seleced os9 in the preferences panel as startup disc, the x key is rendered go w shift
Neil-thanks-tried but no luck
Morgan-good tips, will wait for os9 disc and take it from there