MAC Upload - Help Please

Hello everyone,

I am trying to upload my new game to the MAC STORE - I have experiance uploading IOS games but never a MAC game. I have come accross a few threads that tell you what to do, but I am still very confused!!

This one - and this one - are the two most popular links when looking up this issue! But I still dont understand, and I think A reason for this is either because they are old advice and things have changed or they are just not as accurate as they can be, or Im dumb lol!

If a someone with experience or preferably a UNITY member can give me a detail break down as to what I should do ??

Below is an image of my info.plist if you can use this as a guide to guide me so I dont get confused (Some of the other threads confused me cause it didnt have what they said…)

Any help would be great. But I really need someone to break it down for me :smile:

Here is another GREAT LINK!! But I still dont understand how to do some of the steps! I need someone to JUST BREAK IT DOWN for me lol

If you guys have any questions about this process, I recently submitted my game and had to create bash scripts to automate the process and also had to make a lot of tweaks to make it work. The process is now documented in a lot of detailed at:

Thank you