If I place a bent flat strip of mesh (a road) just above flat areas of a terrain engine ground, it renders the road on top of the terrain just fine, on a MAC (in author and web).
But on a PC web, in some camera view headings and locations, it will not draw the road, but will draw the terrain.
Seems to me the depth sorting on PC is not the same as on the Mac. Even though both have Intel GMA 950 3d hardware. But I do not know what is different.
Changing camera near clip does not seem to fix it.
My code did bend the mesh (in x and z) and re-calculates normals, if that matters.
Is there a way to fix this in my code or settings?
Difference is prob. in the graphics API OpenGL on Mac and DirectX on windows. Dunno how to fix your problem though.
use the decal shader. that forces the applied material to render just above everything else relative to the camera.
Thanks for the suggestion, but it did not fix it.
It seems that because I modified the shape of the mesh in my code, the PC cannot correctly figure out that it is in view of the camera.
Though I see no problems on the Mac.
May be a PC only bug, with the Unity3d recalculateBounds of mesh call that one uses after code messes with a models vertices.
Stange thing is, if I do a reset (just re-run the same thing with applicationLoadLevel) the problem goes away.