Machine gun

I made a simple machine gun, when i enter the trigger its setting camera to true and and when i exit the trigger the camera goes back to false, all of that work for now,

i want to add:

when i enter i want to make my current weapon to off (so i wont see him)

but its not working

and when i exit the trigger set it back to true

Some codes:

var Cam : GameObject;

function OnTriggerEnter(c : Collider){
	if(c.gameObject.tag == "Player"){

function OnTriggerExit(c : Collider){
	if(c.gameObject.tag == "Player"){

This line is from the script i switch weapons

I ain’t going to write any lines of code as I simply can not say First-person or even gun games are my strong point, I script games that do not use guns, very sorry, I will say one thing though.

When I can not seem to make triggers make say a object go invisible and not be accessed I use render and collider switchers.

References for this is:

gameObject.Find("YourGameObjectName").renderer.enabled = false;
gameObject.Find("YourGameObjectName").collider.enabled = false;

Then I would use two scripts toggle a script off and on, therefore this stops the weapon or in your case gun from actually working when it should not be.

References for this code is:

<Yourgameobject>.GetComponent(yourscriptname).enabled = false;

Make a separate script to actually turn the weapon back to its normal functionality, you do this by copying the script into a new script and changing all false’s to true.

Does this work for you?

Thank you, if i only knew i cant call the function Find to an game object which is not active, anyway i got the code working.

Now i got one more question;

i want it to shoot just again some bug that need to be fixed:

var bulletT : Rigidbody = Instantiate(bullet, spawn.position, spawn.rotation);
bulletT.AddForce(transform.forward * 1000);

spawn variable (that in the code) is a transform and its the spawn bullet position.
bullet variable is a GameObject.

The problem is its shooting the bullet to the right instead of forward.