Machine Learning Plugin not recognized

Hello folks,

I’ve installed TF, Paths are OK, and so on… (correct versions… etc).

As you can see in the picture, the plugin seems installed. But when I try to do the basic switch in Ball3DBrain, from X state to internal… it tells me that I need to install it. Even when I’m running one of the examples.

Any clue? Can you point me in the right direction? Because I want to use my ml skills on Unity asap…
What I’m missing?

Thank you,

General Discussion isn’t a support forum, I think you would get better answers in the Unity Engine - Unity Discussions forum.

You’re right, I wasn’t able to find the right place, so thank you for the link!

You need to install the TensorshowSharp itself to your unity project. See the steps mentioned in “Setting up TensorFlowSharp” from